In the series Angel (2006 – 2008) the subject is a young girl, pregnant and wearing a virginal white dress. Alone, she does not seem as serene as one could presume in her situation. One may even see some tears (Angel 13). Other pictures contain multiple figures of the same character, set in traditional places of power. There the young girls seem prisoners, trying to escape from the Forbidden City (Angel 6). With these figures, the artist evokes the plight of young women in China, constrained by social traditions or political primacy to the male child. Formerly sold as wives, servants or concubines they are today kidnapped, victims of incest or AIDS. Here are mixed multi-cultural references. A Chinese imperial architecture, a blue sky like in Western art, a very contemporary teenager. In an equal light and timeless atmosphere, the characters inserted into prexisting settings create some incongruity (what has to do a schoolgirl in the Imperial Palace?) or a kind of disharmony felt more than seen. It is like a new type of Chinese opera that transcends the particularities of time and place.
(Text Provided by the Artist)

Chromogenic print
168 x 210 cm
66.1 x 82.7 in

Chromogenic print
52 x 249 cm
20 1/2 x 98 in

Chromogenic print
90.1 x 179.7 cm
35.5 x 70.7 in

Chromogenic Print
60.24 x 114.17 in
153 x 290 cm

Chromogenic Print
100 x 150 cm
39.4 x 59.1 in

Chromogenic Print
290 x 164 cm
39.4 x 59.1 in

Chromogenic Print
53.5 x 598.5 cm
21.1 x 235.6 in

Chromogenic Print
59 x 59 in
149.9 x 149.9 cm

Chromogenic Print
180 x 93 cm
70.9 x 36.6 in
In 2010, she donated her imaginary work “Angel No.9” (edition 8/8, 190x103cm,2006) to the “I See You” Aid for the drought in Alxa.

Chromogenic Print
251.5 x 179.7 cm
99 x 70.7 in

Chromogenic Print
119 × 100 cm
99 x 70.7 in

Chromogenic Print
110 x 39.70 cm

Chromogenic Print
131 x 110.5 cm
51.6 x 43.5 in

Chromogenic Print
14-1/2 x 20 in
36.8 x 50.8 cm
In 2010, she donated her imaginary work “Angel No.14″(edition 7/10,80x60cm,2006) o the Haiti Earthquake Aid.
Angel paper based 2007
Angle Art installation 2007