Oil Paintings:
Cui Xiuwen's Artworks Timeline
Sedentary Woman-1, 1996Oil on canvas90 x 130cm Sedentary Woman-3, 1996Oil on canvas90 x 130cm Sedentary Woman-2, 1996Oil on canvas90 x 130cm
Rose and Peppermint in Water No. 1, 1996-1997Oil on canvas39 1/8 x 70 1/2 in.100 x 180cm Rose and Peppermint in Water No. 2, 1996-1997Oil on canvas39 1/8 x 70 1/2 in.100 x 180cm Rose and Peppermint…Read More
Domain: New Media | Video Techniques: Digital Betacam, PAL, color, sound Duration: 6 minutes Acquisition: Donated by the Society of Friends of the Museum. Project for contemporary art Inventory number. AM 2004-93 On display: Museum, level 4, Cinema, video, sound, digital works area On display: Pompidou Museum, level 4,…Read More
2001 Public Space (Screenshots of video works) VB-0036-004, 2002 5’07”, PAL, 720 x 576, sound, color Type: Single channel video File version: Exhibition version A voice appeared, a woman said, “In order to survive, we can sell anything, even our body and soul, but there is only one thing…Read More
2001 TOOT (Screenshots of video works) VB-0036-002, 2001 3’34”, PAL, 720 x 576, sound, color This is a relatively neutral choice in terms of bodily characteristics for both women and men, regarding the physical requirements for the model. The model’s body must be entirely free of hair, and they are…Read More
Cui Xiuwen, Twice, 2001, video 9’12 min Emotion is an essential part of human life; it is almost impossible for people to live without it. Human emotions are constantly at play across different spaces and times, and the feeling in TWICE precisely follows the shifts in these emotional dynamics, exploring human…Read More
Woman-3″, 2002Oil on canvas40x40cm In 2006, she donated her oil painting Woman-3 to the Pink Ribbons Charity.
Domain: New Media | Video Techniques: Betacam digital PAL, 4/3, color, sound Duration: 3 hours Acquisition: Donated by the Society of Friends of the Museum. Project for contemporary art, 2004 Inventory number. AM 2004-94 On display: Pompidou Museum, level 4, Film, video, sound, digital works area https://www.centrepompidou.fr/en/ressources/oeuvre/cbzbe7 It is…Read More
“The Three Realms” is composed of three works completed through the mediums of oil painting, photography, and video, all depicting the same subject: a young Chinese girl wearing a red scarf who plays all thirteen characters from The Last Supper. Cui spent nearly a year completing this piece, though the…Read More
One Day in 2004 No. 1Digital chromogenic print59 x 57 7/8in150 x 147cm One Day in 2004 No. 2Digital chromogenic print34 7/8 x 117 3/4 in88.5 x 299 cm One Day in 2004 No. 3Digital chromogenic print59 x…Read More
2005 Drifting Lantern (Video) VB-0036-007, 2005 23’23”, PAL, 1280 x 720, sound, color During the final editing process of my video work Lantern Drift, I cried, right there in the editing room. I cried quietly, discreetly, so much so that the staff around me didn’t notice. But my tears…Read More
Cui Xiuwen’s latest series, “Existential Emptiness,” pursues her reflection on the woman as individual in modern China. This body of work furthers her focus from physical to spiritual and illustrates her examination and analysis of the woman’s psyche. The girl protagonist, considered the artist’s alter ego, has matured and is…Read More
2010 Spiritual Realm (video) VB-0036-009, 2010 Group – Male: 2’44”, PAL, 640 x 360, sound, color Group – Female: 2’42”, PAL, 640 x 360, sound, color Cui Xiuwen’s Spiritual Realm is a conceptual video work featuring 22 individual videos, each portraying a subject’s journey into a deeply introspective, spiritual state.…Read More
2011 Inner Humanity (Video) VB-0036-010, 2011 Channel 1: 23’25”, PAL, 720 x 576, sound, color Channel 2: 3’51”, PAL, 768 x 576, sound, color Channel 3: 21’43”, PAL, 768 x 576, silent, color Cui Xiuwen’s artistic work closely approaches the concept from Buddhist thought that “human nature is inherently pure,…Read More
In the Elements series, Reincarnation series, and Qin Se series, Cui Xiuwen moves away from the human form, instead using abstract materials. Her focus extends beyond the “body”; she begins to question the origins and destinations of human existence, stripping away the “self” to explore broader universal values. Her work…Read More
2013 00000000 (Video) 5’18”, 2013 Moving through the realms of the physical, psychological, spiritual, natural, and finally the cosmic, the artist continually expands her conceptual space through her creative process. In recent years, her focus has shifted more toward exploring humanity’s relationship with the cosmos. In this exhibition, the artist…Read More
For me, artistic creation follows two paths. One path is to present myself through art, expressed visually; the other is to present myself through the line of life itself. These two paths run parallel, with channels and points of intersection between them, where, ultimately, a transformation of energy will occur…Read More